The statistics are relentless: complete satisfaction with penis size is rare. In addition, women care about their length and thickness no less than men, because the quality of their intimate life directly depends on these parameters. However, only a few men decide to enlarge their penis.
The reason for this attitude towards the anatomical defect is the lack of reliable information on how to achieve acceptable parameters. In this regard, we have prepared an independent review of effective techniques on how to enlarge the penis at home.
The article reveals the characteristics of popular and little-known methods, their advantages and disadvantages. Most penis enlargement methods allow you to add 35% in length and 25% in diameter over a period of 3-8 months. Others give not-so-impressive, but quick, results and are included in the review as ancillary methods.
Is it safe to enlarge the penis at home?
The review considers only the gentle methods with the least risk to men's health. In order for its use to be completely safe, you must carefully follow the instructions and remember that excessive loads on the penis will not accelerate the growth of the penis, but can cause irreparable damage to the genitourinary system.
Knowledge of the characteristics of the male anatomy is no less important. Some techniques (like jelqing) have unlimited potential, allowing you to enlarge your penis throughout your life. However, to avoid problems, experts recommend stopping when the penis becomes 35% longer and 25% wider.
When self-expansion is dangerous
Stimulation of penis enlargement is allowed only after the end of the phase of its active growth (18-19 years). Also contraindications include hypertension, chronic diseases of the genitourinary and endocrine systems (for example, candidiasis or diabetes), skin pathologies in the genital area (rash, multiple papillomas), the presence of neoplasms of any etiology in the pelvic organs.
Excessive zeal when using home penis enlargement techniques, violation of the rules for the use of devices or instructions for their use are no less dangerous.
Pros and cons of home penis enlargement methods
In addition to effectiveness, the penis enlargement methods presented in the review also have the following advantages:
- Application at any convenient time.
- No need for third party control.
- Low costs. Some methods (jelqing, stretching, Julia technique) are free, while others involve a small financial investment to purchase exercise equipment or funds.
- Psychological well-being.
In addition, the use of augmentation techniques increases the level of self-discipline, since none involve long breaks. The same point can be considered a disadvantage, since irregular exercise for penis enlargement or unstable intake of drugs seriously slows down penis enlargement. Additionally, disadvantages of home methods include discomfort when using devices, discomfort when using certain products, and risk of injury if instructions are not followed.
TOP 10+ methods to enlarge the penis at home
The methods included in this review on how to enlarge the penis at home quickly and at no additional cost are proven. Its effectiveness is evidenced by numerous positive reviews, which show that +5 cm without surgery is only an approximate minimum for most men.
The essence of the method is to increase the elasticity of the ligaments and the protein membrane, which limits the maximum volumes of the corpora cavernosa. The only prerequisite for the rapid achievement of visible results is regular exercise or the use of special devices. Otherwise, progress slows down. To reduce the effectiveness of the course 2-3 times, a two-day break is enough, and a six-day break completely stops progress.
Hand stretching technique
Totally free way to enlarge your penis at home. The duration of the course is 4 to 8 months. Each session takes place in two stages:
- Preparation: steam, for which you can wrap the penis in a towel soaked in warm water or soak it in the bath for 5-7 minutes.
- Massage and stretching of the penis, which is in a calm state. When an erection occurs, the session is stopped for the time necessary for the organ to return to a calm state.
The first step in the manual augmentation technique is to warm up the ligaments. To do this, the head of the penis is wrapped tightly around the palm and pulled to the left until a slight tension is felt in the trunk. The organ should be in this position for 10-15 seconds, after which it is returned to its original position and massaged until blood circulation is restored. Then the actions are repeated, changing only the direction of the stretch.
The second stage is the jai stretch. Firmly grasping the head with the palm of the hand, the penis is pulled forward. Feeling the tension in the ligaments, the phallus is left in this position for 2 seconds, then the tension is released for the same period of time. One set includes 20-25 repetitions, after which the penis is massaged to restore blood circulation.
The third stage is catching the shaft of the penis in an arbitrary place, with the exception of the head, and stretching it in an arbitrary direction while holding it taut for 30 seconds. To restore blood flow, a limb is patted on the leg, after which it is stretched again, changing direction.
At least 5 minutes are allotted for each stage. The optimal number of workouts is twice a day.
A special device to enlarge the phallus and correct its shape. It consists of a ring that is attached to the base of the limb, which is connected to the head retainer by a pair of expansion rods. Depending on the fixing method, the extenders are subdivided into mechanical and vacuum. In the first case, the head is held by a ring, a tourniquet or a clamp, in the second - a vacuum cap.

The extender is designed to keep the penis taut for a long time, which stimulates cell growth and division. During three months of regular use of this device, you can achieve an increase in the penis by an average of 1. 5-2 cm in length and 0. 5 cm in thickness. A single course is 3 to 8 months.
To avoid unpleasant consequences, use of the extender starts with 30 minutes and a load of 200 g. For a month and a half, the load is gradually increased to 1150 g, and the wearing time is taken to 4-6 hours a day. . At the same time, inexpensive mechanical models cannot be used for more than 2 hours without a break, and more modern vacuum adhesive models allow long-term use (up to 5-6 hours).
Compact device to increase the elasticity of the ligaments of the penis. It consists of two fasteners connected by a strap. One of the clips holds the head and the other holds the strap that covers the desired part of the body.

The stretcher is commonly used as an auxiliary tool that can be used outside the home and can be used while sleeping. At the same time, the independent use of the device (without the use of basic penis enlargement techniques) has a positive effect on the erection, but does not lead to a change in the length or thickness of the penis.
The most effective usage schemes:
- After stretching the penis with the hands, it is fixed on the table and left in this position until two hours have elapsed since the start of the training. Repeat in the morning and evening, and during the day the device is worn without a preliminary study of the ligaments.
- Three sets a day for 2 hours. The morning and evening hours are reserved for using an extender, during the day, to create a load with a stretcher.
To evenly work all the ligaments, the device is used in three ways. The first option is an upward stretch created by an elastic belt slung over the shoulder. The second method is to stretch to the right or to the left, for which the belt is attached to the waist. Well, the third position, down, by placing the belt below the knee.
The oldest method of penis enlargement, which is based on creating excessive internal pressure on the tissues. If stretching is aimed at increasing the elasticity of tissues, jelqing leads to the creation of microfractures, during the restoration of which the volume of the penis grows. That is, in the first case, the penis increases by correcting the shape, stretching and freeing more space for the entry of blood, and in the second it becomes more massive due to the accumulation of tissue.

There are two types of jelqing:
- Wet with lubricant. A gentle augmentation technique for beginners, which involves firmly grasping the base of a partially erect penis with the thumb and forefinger, followed by a shift of the grip towards the head. As soon as the movement of one hand ends, it is repeated with the second. It takes 3 seconds to move the ring formed by the fingers.
- Drying is done in the same way as wet, but no lubricant is used. The technique allows you to create more pressure, but its use is allowed only after 1. 5-2 months of wet jelqing practice.
Either option involves preheating the penis and bringing it to 60-80% of an erection. After jelqing, it is also recommended to warm up the penis; This will accelerate the relaxation and repair of the tissues.
The optimal training scheme is as follows:
- Classes are held on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Wednesday and Sunday are days of rest.
- In the first week, 100 jelqs are performed in one workout (≈ 5 minutes).
- Each subsequent week is accompanied by an increase in the number of repetitions of another 100 jelqs.
- When the optimal time is reached (20-30 minutes), the increase in the number of repetitions is stopped, maintaining the rhythm taken only to consolidate the initial result.
After 1. 5-2 months of regular jelqing, the first results will appear: approximately one centimeter will be added to the length and girth of the penis. A further increase in parameters will take longer. But the process can be sped up by switching from wet jelqing to dry jelqing or taking medications that create optimal conditions for penis enlargement.
Vacuum pump
This device creates pressure, which causes tissue expansion and causes increased blood flow. When used infrequently, the vacuum pump has an immediate but short-term effect, allowing you to surprise your sexual partner. However, its regular use makes it possible to obtain stable performance. To further accelerate the rise, it is recommended to combine pumping with jelqing or stretching.

For medical purposes (treatment of erectile dysfunction), almost any instrument is suitable, but to change the size of the penis, it is recommended to choose the most convenient and safe option. This is considered a hydraulic pump, which excludes the contact of the vacuum with the skin. If you have to choose between several manual or automatic devices, the maximum attention should be paid to the size of the bulb; they must correspond to the parameters of the penis.
Pumping is a safe augmentation technique, but its use is prohibited in the presence of the following pathologies: vascular and heart diseases, urological pathologies, genital trauma, skin diseases, malignant and benign neoplasms in the pelvic organs, inflammatory or infectious diseases .
Optimal scheme of use: 2 days of training (1 time a day), one day of rest. The duration of the first sessions should not exceed 10-15 minutes, at the end of the first month - no more than half an hour. The increase in effort must also be gradual, starting from the minimum effective values.
A vascular technique that allows you to build up a lot of pressure in the penile tissues by blocking the outflow of blood with a special clamp. Due to this, there is a stretching of the protein membranes, an increase in the expansion of the corpora cavernosa and the appearance of microtrauma that contribute to an enlargement of the penis.

The execution technique is as follows:
- Bringing the penis to 90% erection.
- Fixation of the clamp at the base of the penis, closer to the pubis. To avoid injury, a silicone or neoprene backing is placed under the brace.
- Get the maximum erection and keep it for 5-15 minutes.
- Remove the forceps and massage to restore normal blood circulation.
The optimal training scheme: 2-3 sets of 5-15 minutes of pinching, 5 minutes of rest in between. After a day or two of tissue processing, the same period of time is allotted for their recovery.
Julia's technique
This complex is focused on strengthening the muscle tissues that support the penis, increasing the elasticity of blood vessels and protein membranes. Julia's technical training helps to strengthen erections, increase sexual stamina, and enlarge the penis. For best results, it is recommended to combine with the use of an extender.
The order of the complex:
- Jelqation of the penis, bringing it to 50-60% erection.
- Tight circumference of the base of the phallus with the thumb and forefinger.
- Advancement of the hand to the middle of the trunk, followed by a delay of 15 s and a slight increase in the compression force of the fingers.
- Advance the ring from the fingers to the base of the head with a 15 second delay at this location.
- Opening the fingers, 4-5 classic jelqs and repeating the exercise from the beginning.
It is recommended to perform 10 to 15 repetitions in a single workout. If no other manual techniques are practiced, the Julia complex is performed daily.
This is one of the oldest oriental techniques, which helps to increase the length of the penis and its girth at the base under the influence of a load. The modern version of hanging involves the use of a hanger, a special hanger that is attached to the penis with a clamp, buckles, belt, or vacuum flask.

The optimal training regimen depends on the type of perch. With mechanically mounted models, progress is progressed by gradually increasing the suspended load. At the same time, between the hanger and the skin of the penis, it is important to lay a substrate made of soft materials - it protects the organ from injury and excessive compression.
General rules for using a mechanical hanger:
- The duration of one session is no more than 20 minutes (for beginners - 10).
- The initial number of sessions is 2, the interval between them is 5 minutes.
- The optimal application regimen is 3 days of training, one day of rest.
- The principle of increasing the load: at the beginning of the week add 1 session, at the end +0. 5 kg load.
The vacuum suspension is fixed by evacuating the air from the flask with a suspension. For additional protection of the head against accidental injury, it is glued with a special plaster. This type of hanger is not designed to increase the suspended load, so instead, only the time of one approach (5 min / week, maximum 40 minutes / session) and its number (1 per week) are added.
The average duration of the course is 2-3 months. If desired, it can be extended, but in this case, a further increase in load is not recommended.
Massages and exercises
Some techniques help to strengthen the muscles, on which the intensity and duration of an erection depend.

The most effective are:
- Kegel exercises- alternating tension and relaxation of the pubococcygeus muscle, which is easy to detect when trying to interrupt the stream during urination. The pace of the exercise is arbitrary. It is only important that the relaxation and tension of the muscle last approximately the same time. The number of repetitions is not limited.
- "Campaign"- control of an erect penis without the help of hands. To do this, squeeze the muscles of the perineum, causing the penis to rock up and down or to the sides. The goal is to maximize range of motion.
- Rotation of the pelvis to stimulate blood flow.Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind head. It is necessary to perform 35 circular movements with the left and right pelvis, trying not to change the position of the shoulders and without lifting the feet off the ground.
- Flexion of the penis- a partially erect penis (30-40%) is held with one hand at the base and the other near the head. With a gentle movement, the trunk bends until the fingers of both hands touch. After a 10-second delay in this position, the exercise is repeated, changing only the direction of the fold.
Combining these exercises in a complex and performing them daily for 1-2 months significantly improves intimate life, and a longer one causes an increase in the penis.
Breathing techniques
The most popular option is the Taoist technique. Its essence lies in the awakening of the energy of the Ku-Yin point, which enhances sexual energy and helps increase the flow of oxygen to the penis. Execution example:
- Take a deep breath. The air, which is swallowed, is propelled through the throat to the stomach, while the abdominal muscles tighten. Hold your breath and imagine how it rolls down, reaching the pelvic area.
- Take the penis with three fingers of your left hand and press it towards the Ku-Yin point, located between the scrotum and the anus.
- Restore the usual rhythm of breathing. Start to warm up the penis: while inhaling, pull it forward, while exhaling, pull it back.
- After 36 repetitions of the previous step, begin to massage the head with your thumb until an erection occurs.
- Squeeze the penis at the base with your right hand. With each breath, move it forward 1-2 cm until the palm grabs the head.
- Begin rotating the penis first to the right and then to the left (36 times in each direction), adjusting the speed to the rhythm of your breathing.
- Gently stroke the excited phallus on the right and left thighs.
The habitual practice of this technique allows correcting the shape of the penis, achieving an increase in the glans.
Ointments, creams and gels.
Highly specialized drugs for external use are usually intended for:
- improvement of erection, prolongation of sexual intercourse;
- saturation of tissues with nutrients;
- elimination of local pathological processes;
- stimulation of cell division.
By themselves, ointments, gels and creams for enlargement do not contribute as much to the growth of the size of the penis, but they create the necessary conditions for it. For this reason, some of them are recommended to be applied on the erect penis with characteristic stretching or jelqing movements, while others are sold complete with special simulators.
Balanced medicinal formulations are more often focused on eliminating pathologies that prevent normal penis enlargement. The characteristic features of most of these drugs:
- gentle adjustment of hormone levels;
- elimination of congestion in the pelvic organs;
- improvement of blood microcirculation;
- saturation of the body with valuable macro and microelements;
- increased libido and improved potency.
The optimal combination of natural ingredients and a complex effect on the whole body seem to remove the natural blockage and therefore can even stimulate a severe penis enlargement. But the full potential of such drugs is revealed only when they are taken as an adjunct to manual or vascular techniques.
Popular methods
Older generations know whether it is possible to enlarge the penis at home with improvised means. Here is a short list of the most effective ways:
- Soda recipe.Mix 2 tsp. baking soda with the same amount of vegetable or massage oil. Having achieved a slight arousal, gently rub into the skin until completely absorbed, then rinse with clean water. Apply as needed - Baking soda causes immediate blood flow, causing rapid but transient penis enlargement.
- Ginseng infusioncauses a surge of energy and increased blood flow during an erection. The remedy is obtained by infusing 20 g of the root of the plant in 200 ml of water for ten days. Take 30 drops a day for a month.
- Thyme infusionincreases the elasticity of blood vessels and helps increase penis relief. For its preparation 5-6 tablespoons. L of inflorescences are poured into a third liter of vodka and kept in a dark place for a week. Drink 25 drops twice a day for 30 days.
- Garlic infusionincreases blood flow, improves erection, and cleans blood vessels well. To prepare it, 0. 5 kg of peeled and halved cloves are poured with a bottle of dry red wine and it is insisted for two weeks with daily stirring. Take with meals, three times a day, 2 tablespoons. l.
- Homemade ointment for leechesit increases the intensity of the recovery processes, improves blood microcirculation, tones the muscles and, which is important for practicing jelqing or pumping, eliminates pigmentation. To prepare it, take 25-30 leeches, starve for 3 months, and place them in the microwave for 5 minutes at maximum power. The released extract is dissolved in a bottle (100 ml. ) Of a suitable lubricant or commonly used massage oil.
Any of these remedies will perfectly complement the manual and vascular penis enlargement techniques listed above.
Which way to choose
After the abundance of information on whether it is possible to seriously enlarge the penis at home and how to do it, it is difficult to choose a particular method. The following table will help you not get lost in the abundance of options:
Priority Direction of Increase | Optimal ways |
Long | Stretch, hang, massage. |
Thickness | Jelqing, vacuum pump, exercises. |
Head size | Tao breathing technique, Yuli complex |
Reviews of men who have enlarged their penis at home
- "Jelqing is great! In 2 months I got +1. 5 cm in length and +0. 5 in width. And this is just jelq, without using other options to enlarge the penis. "
- "At first I thought tablet gels were silly. But then a friend suggested adding them to the stretch. You know, it works! The extender itself clearly wouldn't have provided 2cm per month of training, especially since I chose the limit for beginners 3 months ago and before buying the gel, the increase stopped almost completely. "
- "People, don't play with fanfare. In a year I achieved a length increase from 17 to 21 cm, and now I can't find a girl, they always complain that they feel bad, it hurts and, in general, I have it too big" .
- "The pills help even without extra training. I bought a couple of packets and started secretly pouring them into my morning cocktail for my MCH, and now I enjoy his growth. And he, silly, started running to the urologists, because he had a "incomprehensible penis enlargement".
Frequently asked questions
What is the best time of day to do stretching or jelqing?
The first beginner workouts are best done in the evening. After 2-3 weeks of classes, you can choose any convenient time.
Can the pump be used every day?
No, as this will lead to overtraining, resulting in weakening of the erection and pain. The optimal schedule is 2/1.
Does exercise last forever?
Yes, except when the exercises are intended to strengthen muscle tissue; To maintain the results achieved with their help, you need to train the pelvic floor muscles at least twice a week.