If you really increase the diameter of the penis?

The diameter of the penis – almost the fundamental criterion in the selection of the sexual partner. Of course, the truth that size doesn't matter, in general, it is fair, however, if the penis is too small to satisfy a woman, even in the presence of multiple skills will be problematic. The most important point of the excitation is found on the sides of the walls of the vagina, near the entrance, therefore, the wise of the men refers, first of all, the issue is not the length, and the width of phallus. How can you increase the thickness of the member in the home? Is there security of the means to solve a problem, do not cause addiction and side effects? The answers to the issues of today to give to this article.

Bigger does not mean better


To achieve the best performance of child-bearing age, of the authority in a state of excitement, are 14 to 16 cm long and 5-7 cm wide. The figures correspond to the dimensions typical of the vagina, therefore, it is not surprising that the majority of the ladies prefer to exactly that amount. The assertion that the ladies of virtue appeal to large tools – the myth of the fictional notorious men. Small variations one way or the other are valid, but if they are too large, this results in discomfort in the moment of intimacy. Therefore, many of the problems in reality, just exaggerated: the representatives of the stronger sex is necessary to think not about the increase of the dimensions, and on the ability to own an instrument. In which consists the discomfort?

  • It is too long, rod of love refers to the back of the wall of the uterus, and stretching. This means that in women the sensation of pain, there have been cases of sudden movements cause the rupture of the authority.
  • Unnecessarily the choice of the tool may cause cleaning internal and external of the lips. Tight the girth of the penis, however, when the walls are constantly stretched state, this causes unpleasant sensations.

A little bit about the psychology

Before talking about how to increase the thickness of the member, it is important to understand the extent to which, in principle, it is necessary. Many compare his dignity, simply, not that you aren't going to be because the approach the other with a ruler. Most of the myths about the giants in the cowards of unverified information, which enters today in a large number through the internet. Tip one: less listen to friends, do not read yellow press. Remember that a representative of the beautiful half of humanity really prefer normal, the average of the indicators and, in any case, the preference of a tender, caring, attentive men. That still does not forget?

  • The stories of some of the friends and friends of supposedly fantastic sensations of a huge phallus is nothing more than fiction, the desire of issue the reality.
  • The comparison with the stars of film, processing of the interview of the stars often has nothing to do with reality, it is only a publicity stunt.
  • The deviation from the norms fisiolgicas, informed of the nature, not only harms the female body, but also causes much discomfort to men.

How to measure correctly

The size of the penis can vary at different times of the day, depend on the temperature of the air, the mood of the master, the fatigue in the workplace and other factors. Therefore, to ensure the normal largest, must pass a series of stages in the morning and at night for several days. Only in this way will result in the appropriate number that characterizes the magnitude of the rod. The easiest way to measure the circumference of which is known with the times, of the same diameter, multiplied by the irrational number π, whose value is equal to 3.14. Correct measurements allow us to obtain an objective image and get rid of the likely insolvency of the complexes. How to measure the size of your penis?

  • The procedures are performed in a state of excitement. Quiet, the phallus is able to stretch several times and will not give a complete picture.
  • What is best to do it standing. Taking solid, but not a heavy thread, wrap the base of the penis, do not tighten. Similar to the handling of complying with the part of the trunk below the head.
  • The measurement it is necessary to carry out when he had the chance to throw the accumulated energy. Regardless of this can also be done with the help of the correct masturbation.

The relevant media, and today

as to enlarge the member

Before you use the advances of modern medicine and to turn to surgery methods to increase the diameter of the penis, not be a bad idea to remember the advice of our ancestors, who used the gifts of nature for the treatment of different diseases and do not have health problems. Popular recipes in the area of sexual exploitation and the sex life is relevant today – that is based on the action of many drugs, which are synthesized in the laboratories of the natural components. Homeopathic and herbal exert a gentle effect on the body without causing addiction, allergies, side effects. The representatives of the terrestrial flora are the most common sources of masculine strength?

  • Ginseng – prevents the development of harmful cortisol.
  • Tribulus – stimulates the synthesis of testosterone.
  • Ginger improves the permeability of the vessels.
  • The absinthe – it activates the flow of blood to the groin area.
  • Maca peruana is a powerful aphrodisiac, stimulates the libido.
  • Aloe – normalizes the processes of exchange of substances.

Natural remedies do not have instant effect, so the result the next day of wait is not worth it. But the regular consumption of natural wines and liquors, together with the compliance of a healthy lifestyle within a month, will lead to the improvement of well-being and increase the size and dignity of man.

Healthy eating is impressive, the thickness of the

The axiom of the need to observe a healthy lifestyle, the good regime of separation of power, it is known by all. However, many believe that the different phrases are not worth anything. In the opinion of the doctors, is a fallacy: it is sedentary and sedentary lifestyle often leads to sexual activity, anxiety disorders, diseases of the genitourinary system, impotence. Temple, the constant load to keep the body in good shape, have a positive effect on the general well-being, the ability to resist infectious diseases and viral diseases. The same thing happens with the male problems. To the question: how to increase the diameter of the penis – has enough concrete answers.

  • Eat well! It is best to eat a little, but not less than 4-5 times a day. It is necessary to include in the diet of these necessary for the body of fresh products such as fruits and vegetables, vegetables, honey, nuts, pumpkin seeds, hard cheeses, cottage cheese, eggs, steam room, the meat of a cow.
  • More go in the open air is saturate of oxygen in the blood, helps active filling of the vessels and the intense influx to the lawsuit filed by the penis. In addition, you will prepare the body to allow the cold, which is easy to handle.
  • Regular exercise, something that many modern men is not enough. Sitting the work, the congestion of the favor the stagnation of blood, the appearance of the prostatitis. Even a half hour charge will strengthen the body, increase the capacity in the bed.
  • Forget or at least significantly limit your consumption of nicotine and alcohol. Smoking and drinking alcohol weakens the muscle tone, numbed feelings, the confidence, the one that supposedly appears the man, it passes quickly. Yes, and to enjoy the women the smell of smoke?!

How to increase the volume of the same

How can you increase the diameter of a member in the home? Yes, completely, there are a lot of techniques, many of which have their roots in ancient times. In Ancient egypt, for example, children already from the age of 8 taught them to masturbate, taught to others the wisdom of male enhancement of the strength. One of the most effective ways of – massage. A concept that is still known as the method of kegel, includes a series of exercises of the organs of the urinary system, with the participation of buttocks, groin and the muscles. Not only modify the volume of the rod, but which also improve the erection, lengthen the time of sexual intimacy, help to control delay the moment of ejaculation. There are five main methods of thickening male of the tool.

  • The massage. To get the effect visible, just 30 minutes of exercise a day. After the hot shower, to warm up muscles, it is necessary to clean the penis. Place your foundation, slowly, pass the finger into the head, push and adjust in 10 seconds. Then tilt down to the left, to the right, and, also, stop at each position for 15 seconds. Do 10 repetitions.
  • Extender. A special device, aggravating the phallus. Initially it was created for the elongation, however, experience has shown that this method helps to change the width. It is necessary to carry not more than 1.5-2 months, otherwise the effect will be counterproductive. Due to the stretching of the tissue size is more, not returning to a previous state.
  • Vacuum of the water pump. The popular device of quick effect. The apparatus, similar to that of the pump, it stimulates the intense influx of the blood, produces visually remarkable increase of the swelling of the soft tissues. In addition, the water pump is an excellent tool to prevent the stagnation of the phenomena. The result obtained is powerful, but not too long.
  • Hormonal pills are good at the need for instant effect. Take one capsule one hour before sexual intercourse, can be described as positive of erection, the length of time of sexual intercourse, multiple orgasms. However, medications may not be suitable for all, it is necessary to take only after the consultation and the appointment of a doctor.
  • Ointments and gels. The tools that provide local influence, are poor that do not cause dependence, exerting an instant effect. Keep in mind that some are based on the reduction of the sensitivity of the head, so that sex can be not very bright. You should familiarize yourself with the components in the event that you are hypersensitive.

The surgical intervention

the operation of increase of a member of the

To the quick intervention of worth come only when there are serious medical witnesses. Sometimes, a small amount is associated with poor structure or complications after the disease. Surgeons plastic under the power of a penis in diameter of 2-3 cm, at the same time, extend 4-5, see the Healing of the suture is passed long and can last up to six months. It is important to comply with the recommendations of the doctors: taking medications, refrain from the intimacy, to the minor ailments to report to your doctor. Among the most common surgical methods to change the size of the player, the authority should note the following.

  • The application of hyaluronic acid. Through injections under the skin tissues to swell, gaining the desired size. The effect is achieved very quickly.
  • The operation – delimitation compatible with the ligaments. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and allows you to make the penis thicker at 3-4 see
  • Pumping of fat (lipofilling) – this procedure safer. The extraction of fat out of the body of the patient and organically are living in a new place.
  • The transplantation of tissues, taken from the axilla or abdominal area. The phallus as if it is dressed up with costumes and additional gets larger.
  • Implantation of the cartilage of the structure. This method is dangerous possible complications, and is applied in cases of extreme need.